Develop Loyal Listeners using this Powerful Programming Tool!
Check out Eric's book!
The same mind who devised the most accurate Adult Contemporary music research system ever, and who produced 18 years of weekly "P.D. Notebook" columns for The Gavin Report in San Francisco, has also written what we understand is now the best-selling book ever on the tactics and strategy of radio programming.
You'll find it a great tool and idea-starter, no matter how long you've been in the business!
The book is in its fourth printing in the United States...has been translated into Spanish...and published in Europe.
To get more information and, if you wish, order your copy, click on the book cover at right to go to Eric's book on!
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This book has been continuously in print since 1996, and although the final chapter (on FCC rules) needs a revision which the publisher has ruled out, the rest of the book -- being based on human nature and listener behavior, rather than dictating any specific "ways of programming" -- is still quite relevant, and still works very well for those who use its programming insights.Starting in 2017, we've noticed that some Amazon searches for Eric's book bring up links for third-party vendors offering "new" and used copies of the book for various prices that are mostly over list price, up to almost $100 -- although our own Amazon link above does take you to Amazon's own new-book listing. You can also buy a new copy from Barnes and Noble, which offers brand new copies for a price matching Amazon's! For this book at Barnes and Noble, CLICK HERE. Or you should be able to order it from any bookseller.
Click on the book cover above to visit the book's page! |
An earlier Norberg generation in print!
Eric's father, the late Gunnar Norberg, wrote a book of his offbeat, serio-comic adventures trying to contribute to the Great War -- World War II. He completed the draft of the book shortly before his death in 1988, and since then Eric and his late stepmother Wies spent much time polishing the manuscript, and seeking a publisher for it.
Success -- on Thanksgiving of the year in which Gunnar would have been 100, 2007 -- it was published, and became available at, as well as through other bookstores everywhere!
The book began as a series of humorous talks before service clubs on the Monterey Peninsula of California, where Gunnar lived, and where Eric began his radio career. There was demand for more and more of this engaging and entertaining story, and that led Gunnar, who had been both a writer and editor, to set the story down.
Not to diminish in any way the heroic worldwide combat which led to a free world today, but there were other stories from behind the lines and from the homefront, and this is one of the more memorable ones.
If you'd like to learn more, visit the book on its page at -- by clicking on the book cover above!
While you're at it, why not consider buying both books -- and own the entire Norberg bookshelf?!